Posts in comics
Sew Geeky Marvel vs DC Episode!

Good morning to you!  ^_^ It’s time for Sew Geeky’s newest episode: Marvel vs DC! We didn’t want to do just Superheroes.  We wanted to spice it up a bit, so we did a Marvel vs Detective Comics (aka DC) theme! So I decided to go with a hero vs villain approach for my outfits. I give you retro Catwoman and chibi Loki!

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SEW GEEKY: TANK GiRL! She's just the girl you want!

"Feelin' a little inadequate?" 

So who here is a former angsty teenager from the 90s?  I was!  I was the only kid in school wearing patent leather pants in every color and donning a choker necklace made out of safety pins and I listened to punk and ska music and loved every minute of it!  The grown up Kat loves those things still, but I've evolved since then.  But ain't nostalgia grand!  Well, TANK GiRL is like a time capsule for me of my high school days (even though TANK GiRL came out just before I started high school). The thing about TANK GiRL is that she's a bad girl.  She smokes, she loves guns and ahem her tank and she dresses far on the risque side of things.  Being that I'm a mom and am not into any of those things, I made my look and accessories more of a TANK GiRL: the Mom.




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