Posts in dresses
Sew Geeky Studio Ghibli! Nausicaä! Calcifer! Forest Spirit!

I told myself that I wouldn’t go over the top; that I want to keep Sew Geeky a little more casual so that I don’t burn myself out trying to outdo myself every month. It’s exhausting! It also makes me struggle to make other things; the essential things. BUT STUDIO GHIBLI?! I could not go small. I just couldn’t! Ugh, I am my own worst enemy, I know! Narrowing it down was incredibly hard. I have the urge to STUDIO GHIBLI ALL THE THINGS!

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This is me.

In a nutshell, my whole life I've been a cartoon addict.  No lie.  I recorded my faves on VHS when I was a teenager and I have never really stopped watching them!  

But as you get older you learn to appreciate new things and I fell, similar to Alice, down the rabbit hole, into the world of anime.

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SEW GEEKY: TANK GiRL! She's just the girl you want!

"Feelin' a little inadequate?" 

So who here is a former angsty teenager from the 90s?  I was!  I was the only kid in school wearing patent leather pants in every color and donning a choker necklace made out of safety pins and I listened to punk and ska music and loved every minute of it!  The grown up Kat loves those things still, but I've evolved since then.  But ain't nostalgia grand!  Well, TANK GiRL is like a time capsule for me of my high school days (even though TANK GiRL came out just before I started high school). The thing about TANK GiRL is that she's a bad girl.  She smokes, she loves guns and ahem her tank and she dresses far on the risque side of things.  Being that I'm a mom and am not into any of those things, I made my look and accessories more of a TANK GiRL: the Mom.




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Totoro + Finn (+Jake): A Most FANTASTICAL Halloween Cosplay!

Although my personal preference for the Bimaa sweater is the cowl look because it looks so damn squishy and delicious, the looks I was going for for my Halloween outfits both required hoods! I present to you all, the Finn Bimaa and the Totoro Bimaa Sweater Dress!

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Azriella's Girafarig Birthday Dress.

We love all things anime and yes that includes Pokemon!  Get ready for a sweet Girafarig inspired dress! YEAH! Earlier this month, someone turned 6! It has been a whirlwind of a month, what with birthdays x 2, visitors, sewing (per the usual), starting kindergarten, baby announcements, appointments galore... my head is still spinning! But don't worry: I'm passed my nausea-phase so I'll be fine 😁

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Sew Geeky Premiere! 8 bit babies!!! Nyan Cat + Tac Nayn

Some of you probably don't know what the heck I am talking about!  Well, Nyan Cat is a free smartphone game that is basically about an 8-bit pop-tart kitty cat, Nyan Cat, that travels through space eating all sorts of things from sweets to veggies to weird pills while running into obstacles like doggies, spaceships, and worse of all, Tac Nayn, an evil waffle kitty (which is Nyan cat spelled backwards).  The game is really simple.  Oh, did I mention that Nyan has a never ending trail of rainbows? Hooked. I had my inspiration for my dresses!

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PR&P Signature Look: My Chibi Gothic Lolita Witch + bat bow pattern!

My chibi gothic Lolita look!  The look consists of 8 pieces. Let's start at the top and work our way down, shall we? First let it be know that every bit of this ensemble was SELF DRAFTED.  And some were much trickier than others!

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Rainbow Dash Wings and Cascading Ruffle Tail Tutorial

I recently made my daughter a Rainbow Dash birthday dress for her upcoming birthday. As per her request, her dress had two super fun elements that I want to share with you all:  a modest set of wings added to a back bodice and a cascading ruffle tail!  This will be perfect for any birthday dress and a great added touch to those Halloween outfits that we'll all be toiling away on soon enough!!

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the rainbow dash dress!

Once upon a time, long, long ago (well, maybe it was this past June) a sweet little girl dreamed of the perfect birthday dress.  As she slept, visions of her favorite thing popped into her head: horses.  The horses played and galloped and whinnied and then something magical began to happen.  Those horses began to transform into her favorite show about horses:  My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.  When she awoke her mother asked her what she wanted her birthday, and the sweet little girl knew exactly what she wanted her dress to look like: "RAINBOW DASH!" she cried out!  It was certain in her mind that she must have a dress that looked just like Rainbow Dash!

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